Thursday, May 22, 2014

As a Social Worker...

Edited by Angela Gentile, MSW RSW. Please share freely.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

That One Client

I came across a quote on Facebook, and it said, "Every Nurse has that one patient that they'll remember forever." It also had a "red cross symbol" on it.  It immediately made me think about my career as a social worker, and the fact that there is also that one client that I will remember forever.

I don't think I'll ever forget a certain young male. He was in his early 20's. It was a very complex case, and this young man had a terminal illness. I learned a lot about hope, culture, Multiple Sclerosis, family dynamics, stigma, shame, the health care system, financial stressors, the social system, allied health care professionals, death, and so much more.

It made me think about changing that quote about nurses, so I made my own quote: "Every Social Worker has that one client that will be remembered forever." I am also wondering if this is true for every helping professional? I believe it is an honour to be part of people's lives in their times of need, and we learn so much about ourselves and others. Some of those people and families will never be forgotten.

Warm regards,

Angela G. Gentile, MSW RSW
Specialist in Aging

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

35 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know (Book)

Book Review:  35 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know, by Bradley T. Erford, Susan H. Eaves, Emily M. Bryant and Katherine A. Young (2010)

Here's a great book full of counseling techniques.  A brief origin of the technique is described, "how to implement" and an example is provided for each one.  Each chapter ends with a "usefulness and evaluation" of the technique.

Techniques based upon brief counselling approaches:

1.  Scaling
2.  Exceptions
3.  Problem-Free Talk
4.  Miracle Question
5.  Flagging the Minefield

Techniques based upon Adlerian or psychodynamic approaches:

6.  I-Messages
7.  Acting As If
8.  Spitting in the Soup
9.  The Mutual Storytelling
10. Paradoxical Intention

Techniques based upon Gestalt principles:

11. Empty Chair
12. Body Movement and Exaggeration
13. Role Reversal

Techniques based upon social learning:

14. Modeling
15. Behavioral Rehearsal
16. Role Play

Techniques based upon cognitive approaches:

17. Self-Talk
18. Visual/Guided Imagery
19. Reframing
20. Thought Stopping
21. Cognitive Restructuring

Techniques based upon behavioral approaches using positive reinforcement:

22. Premack Principle
23. Behavior Chart
24. Token Economy
25. Behavioral Contract

Techniques based upon behavioral approaches using punishment:

26. Extinction
27. Time Out
28. Response Cost
29. Overcorrection

Techniques based upon cognitive-behavioral approaches:

30. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
31. Bibliotherapy
32. Deep Breathing
33. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training (PMRT)
34. Systematic Desensitization
35. Stress Innoculation Training

I don't see mindfulness here, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Great resource for counselors.

- Angela G. Gentile, MSW RSW
Specialist in Aging