Book Review: 35 Techniques Every Counselor Should Know, by Bradley T. Erford, Susan H. Eaves, Emily M. Bryant and Katherine A. Young (2010)
Here's a great book full of counseling techniques. A brief origin of the technique is described, "how to implement" and an example is provided for each one. Each chapter ends with a "usefulness and evaluation" of the technique.
Techniques based upon brief counselling approaches:
1. Scaling
2. Exceptions
3. Problem-Free Talk
4. Miracle Question
5. Flagging the Minefield
Techniques based upon Adlerian or psychodynamic approaches:
6. I-Messages
7. Acting As If
8. Spitting in the Soup
9. The Mutual Storytelling
10. Paradoxical Intention
Techniques based upon Gestalt principles:
11. Empty Chair
12. Body Movement and Exaggeration
13. Role Reversal
Techniques based upon social learning:
14. Modeling
15. Behavioral Rehearsal
16. Role Play
Techniques based upon cognitive approaches:
17. Self-Talk
18. Visual/Guided Imagery
19. Reframing
20. Thought Stopping
21. Cognitive Restructuring
Techniques based upon behavioral approaches using positive reinforcement:
22. Premack Principle
23. Behavior Chart
24. Token Economy
25. Behavioral Contract
Techniques based upon behavioral approaches using punishment:
26. Extinction
27. Time Out
28. Response Cost
29. Overcorrection
Techniques based upon cognitive-behavioral approaches:
30. Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
31. Bibliotherapy
32. Deep Breathing
33. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Training (PMRT)
34. Systematic Desensitization
35. Stress Innoculation Training
I don't see mindfulness here, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy.
Great resource for counselors.
- Angela G. Gentile, MSW RSW
Specialist in Aging
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